Desensitizing the World Public on Globalization
By Shari Dovale
There have been many rumors about the UN, and other Globalization progressives, pushing for additional steps towards forming the New World Order.
Progressives and Socialists have attempted to squelch those rumors by focusing on their talking points, using the term ‘Globalization‘ versus ‘New World Order’ or ‘One World Order’. However, the public is not as uninformed as they would like to believe. We know that it is two sides of the same coin.
Take a look at ‘Brexit’ last week. The public shouted a resounding “NO” to Globalization with their vote. Several countries are now calling for referendums for themselves. In the US, there have been an increase in calls for secession throughout many states.
However, the Progressive Left have stepped up the pace towards their vision of Globalization this week by announcing a forum, hosted in The Hague, Netherlands, discussing the first step towards a Global police force.
Beginning with major global issues, such as diamond trafficking, this seems to be a prime way to desensitize the public and get them used to the United Nations taking over the world’s security.
“The FBI is proud to help lead the charge to bring together global law enforcement partners in an effort to strengthen and enhance cooperation and information sharing. We are fighting back against illicit trafficking and trade that so often goes to fund more and more criminal activity,” said FBI Assistant Director for the Criminal Investigative Division Stephen Richardson. “This forum is a crucial step forward in our mission to disrupt the criminal activity that touches not just the United States but the entire world.”
The FBI tells us that the forum will facilitate and increase international law enforcement cooperation and awareness of the illicit trade in diamonds and will provide a platform for information sharing and networking. In addition, the forum will help build law enforcement partnerships that will lead to the identification, dismantling, and disruption of criminal networks associated with the illicit trade in diamonds.
It is the first step. The illegal diamond trade will be used to show how important a global police force will be to the world. The public will get used to it. It will be fairly easy to take the next step and include other crimes (how about drugs?) in which the public will not bat an eye.
They will have gotten used to the blue UN helmets by then.