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Legislative Update – Rep. Heather Scott

Heather Scott

Rep. Heather Scott – District 1

Heather Scott

Idaho is a sovereign state with clearly designated powers in our Republic, even though we don’t always act like it.  If Idahoans want to secure our way of life, values, and the principles we cherish, we need to work together to secure sovereignty as our common goal.   I believe if we do this, we can solve the issues that threaten our way of life, our freedoms, and restore liberty in our state.    If this can be done at the state and local level, it will move us away from our dependence on federal monies and the strings attached.

I have been working on a plan to do this and I’m excited to share my plan with you.  This plan will aim to hold our state government accountable to the citizens and offer ideas to limit its persistent growth.  What It will require is citizen engagement and your help.  But I believe we if we do it  together, each of us using our unique talents, we can begin to  control government from the bottom up instead of the top down.

Areas needing your assistance include:

Issue Teams:  We are building legislative-focused teams of citizens from across the state to implement this action plan.  Please consider getting involved!  To get involved with a specific issue, please go to the link below and click on the topics you are  interested in.  I am looking for team leaders in each of the following issue areas, so if you are interested, and willing to volunteer 2-4 hours a month to gain control of your state and/or local governments, please call me at 208-920-3120. The steps below will help you begin to assist in this action plan:


  • You will need to first go to this link and type in your email address: 


  • After you sign into the link above, you will be prompted to a new page where you can sign up for my issue team updates and requests for action.  Below is an example of what the page will look like when you get into the above link:


  • Agricultural ISSUES (farming/ranching)
  • Appropriation ISSUES (state budgets, revenue appropriations)
  • Business ISSUES (banking, insurance licensing, credit unions, investments, stocks, small business)
  • Commerce and Human Resources ISSUES (state employees, firemen)
  • Education ISSUES (public schools, colleges, universities and home schools, Common Core, School budgets & levy)
  • Environment, Energy, and Technology ISSUES  (hazardous waste, sewage, recycling, EPA, DEQ)
  • Health and Welfare ISSUES  (health/ child care, welfare, “Affordable” Care Act, Medicaid)
  • Judiciary, Rules, and Administration ISSUES (courts, prisons, attorneys, juvenile justice)
  • Local Government ISSUES (city/county governments & taxing districts)
  • Resources and Conservation ISSUES (water quality, water rights, fish & game, river restoration, mining, federal lands, wolves, endangered species)
  • Revenue and Taxation ISSUES (sales, property/income taxes, internet tax, food tax)
  • State Affairs ISSUES ( statewide policy issues, elections, abortion, utilities, e-cigs, tobacco, alcohol, guns, marijuana)
  • Transportation and Defense ISSUES (fuel tax, local highways, motor vehicles, National Guard, civil air patrol, Militia, drones)

Once you sign up for the topics you are interested in, we will move forward with building teams to address these important issues.  I plan to allow 2 weeks starting May 8, 2016 for sign up.  

Special Research Projects:  In addition to the Issue teams, I need help with research and information on “eyebrow-raising “issues. If any of them interest you, please let me know.  Thanks!

  1. Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) – road closures
  2. Idaho voter registration requirements and ID issues.
  3. The Idaho Association of CountiesHeather Scott
  4. The Idaho Association of Cities
  5. The Board of Tax appeals
  6. Invasive species-quagga mussels
  7. Idaho Association of School Boards
  8. Wolves
  9. Passport issues
  10. Idaho Commissions
  11. Social engineering in the public schools and class assignments
  12. Real ID
  13. The Fueling Freedom Project
  14. The Western Governors Association
  15. Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC)
  16. More to follow!

Thank you for getting involved in your government before it gets involved with you!

Heather Scott
Rep. Heather Scott

In Liberty,

Rep Heather Scott- District 1


2 Comments on Legislative Update – Rep. Heather Scott

  1. Yep…we’ve had complete Republican lunacy and domination over the Idaho House of Representatives, Senate, and statewide offices (with the exceptions of J.D. Williams for 4 years and Dr. Marilyn Howard for 8) since 1994. Twenty-two years of letting Republicans run things, and look what a mess we’re in as a state.
    We really should stop voting for them…but we deserve the government we elect, don’t we?

    • Republicans happen to work for the citizens, not their own social agenda programs.If DCR doesn’t like the government of Idaho, maybe consider moving to California, Illinois, Maryland, New York or the Detroit area. They are places run by Democrats, gangs, Welfare Queens and recycled politicians. Freedom is not free. If you’re “out of your element” move.

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