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FDA To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

Let your voice be heard. Comment period ends on April 13th.


FDA Plans To Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in the US

Straight out of the Hunger Games, your government now wants to release Genetically Modified mosquitoes onto the unsuspecting public.

They claim it is to fight the Zika virus – that is not currently a problem in the US. However, there is a lot they are NOT telling you.

The FDA announcement details the release of the GM male mosquitoes into the environment somewhere near Key West, Florida.

But, what they are NOT telling you is shown in this updated map from the NY Times, sourced through the Center for Disease Control (CDC). It shows no problems in Florida.


By The New York Times | Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Pan American Health Organization

The FDA stated the decision was reached in part to data obtained from Oxitec, the British corporation that created the mosquitoes, including a lengthy document warning of the potentially hazardous risks surrounding the insects.

What they are NOT telling you that Oxitec released genetically modified mosquitoes into Brazil three years ago, and now the problem has ballooned out of proportion in that country.

The FDA has assured there will be no negative or adverse affects on human health, indigenous animal populations, or the environment.

But, what they are NOT telling you is that they really do not know if there will be adverse affects. There are currently questions as to whether or not the South American outbreak is actually man-made or not.

The FDA feels confident in their safety assurances because the GM mosquitoes will all be male and that Oxitec’s data contained “no convincing evidence” that the manipulated proteins the females will carry could cause adverse or harmful side effects.

Somehow, the FDA is also confident that the mosquitoes will be unable to successfully adapt to the wild due to their short life spans.

To paraphrase Dr. Ian Malcolm, of Jurassic Park fame, “Life finds a way.”

The FDA has announced a 30-day public commenting period beginning March 11, 2016.

Please go HERE and let the government know how you feel about these new little monster-mosquitoes. Comment period ends next week, on April 13th.


We would like to thank the March against Monsanto for bringing this to our attention.

Sources and related articles:!docketDetail;D=FDA-2014-N-2235

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  1. Monsanto - NOT Zika - Responsible for Microcephaly? - The Montana Redoubt
  2. Monsanto - NOT Zika - Responsible for Microcephaly? - Redoubt News - Oregon

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