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FBI Posing As Militia: Burns, Oregon

According to Chief Briels these men posing as “militia” were the FBI.

fbi militia

FBI Posing As Militia: Burns, Oregon

by John Jacob Schmidt

Burns, OR — The FBI have reportedly been following citizens around the town in vehicles, but not apparently in any official capacity. They’re posing as militia. Nevada State Legislator Michele Fiore reported that she had a conversation less than an hour ago with Fire Marshall Chris Briels. He said at 12:26pm Pacific Time on 13 January, that the Sheriff’s Office and Judge Grasty announced to the community that the ‘militia’ has been following people and harassing citizens throughout the town. When he saw what he thought was militia “Poking around the armory” and following people he took it upon himself to pull them over. He reported to Fiore that the men posing as militia actually turned out to be FBI.

fbi sherrif ward judge grasty
Harney County Sheriff David Ward, left, speaks as Judge Steven Grasty looks on during a news conference Monday

Judge Grasty was reported to have literally screamed at the Delegation of Legislators who visited Burns over the past weekend, telling them they needed to leave the community, and warned them not to go out to the wildlife Refuge where Ammon Bundy and a group of patriots are occupying the visitor’s center. The legislators were in Burns on a fact finding mission and to get all sides of the story.

Some citizens are wondering why Grasty wants to thwart any outside investigations into the BLM’s questionable, if not illegal, activities involving the isolated ranching community. Many are also questioning the apparent lack of separations of powers in the community, given the involvement of Grasty in the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the local government. It has also been reported that Judge Grasty appointed the current Sheriff, David Ward, who recently said that time is running out for the patriots at the Refuge. There seems to be many more questions than answers surrounding the BLM and their relationship with some of the local officials, but the one question I have, is why are some in Harney County so upset about ‘outsiders’ snooping around?

The following was not prepared for release at the time of the above-posting, so here is a report received directly from Assemblywoman Fiore:

Updated 1551hrs 20160113

January 13, 2016




SUBJECT: Assemblywoman Michele Fiore “FBI Agents in Oregon posing as Militia.”

The Coalition of Western States represents over 50 legislators and grass roots leaders predominantly in the Western United States dedicated to stopping federal overreach.

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore of Nevada & COWS (Coalition of of Western States) has released a statement regarding the Oregon Standoff.

I just got off the phone with the former Fire Chief of Burns, Chris Briels, the Burns Fire Chief from 1984 to 2006. When he retired in 2006 the county asked him to stay on as the county Fire Marshall.

According to the conversation I had with Chief Briels today at 12:26pm Pacific time, he disclosed to me that the Sheriff’s office and Judge Grasty has been telling the community that the “militia” have been following and harassing people.

Chief Briels observed what he thought was “militia” poking around the Armory and following townspeople so he took it upon himself to pull them over.

According to Chief Briels these men posing as “militia” were the FBI.

Chief Briels was so upset he has just resigned as the county Fire Marshall.

He has gone public with this information.


Posted at Radio Free Redoubt


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